Rocky Mountain Vacation

Do you have a Significant Other that would like to come along for a Rocky Mountain Vacation ?
Friend, kids, wife, girlfriends, parents ?
But their not sure how they would entertain themselves for 5 days while your out riding every day ?

How about River Rafting, Guided Mountain Biking or bicycle rentals, Hot Springs, Horseback riding and/or Jeep Rentals ?
Or hiking ? There is a lot to do in the Heart of the Rockies.
A bicycle shuttle up the highest pass on Hwy 50 to singletrack trails on the Continental Divide ?
A guided jeep tour to mines and Ghost towns ?
You can use the links below to contact whatever type of adventure your guests might think fits their fancy ?

We can also put together Group Adventures. After all, who would want to come to Colorado and Adventure alone ?
Hang out with like-minded enthusiasts during the day and enjoy a campfire in the evening ?

Great Sand Dunes
Your Guest could join you at the Great Sand Dunes Lodge 1 night and take in the Sand Dunes and the Sand Dunes Hot Springs swimming pool, or join you for the night in the Highest City in the Country in Leadville if you went on a 2 Day Adventure ride ?

River Rafting from Mild to Wild, the class IV rapids of Browns Canyon to a leisurely float down the Arkansas River.
With a group or in a Kayak.
INFO on Rafting here:

Hot Springs, you have your choice of Rustic Cottonwood , the Adult Pool and drinks at Mt. Princeton or the Holistic Joyful Journey.
Massages, Spa’s & pampering and lodging are available at all 3.
MOUNTAIN BICYCLE Rental, Shuttle & Guides

Mountain bike rentals and a shuttle up the mountain are available from Absolute Bikes in downtown Salida.

Anderson Motors/Rocky Mountain Jeep Rentals will help you get offroad, off the beaten path and experience all that Colorado has to offer!
Rocky Mountain Jeep Rentals also offers guided tours to old mines, ghost towns or rockhounding with experienced guides.
Have you ever wanted to…
- Travel to the high mountain lakes or traverse passes high above timberline?
- Step back in history to the remote mining camps of the 1800’s?
- Travel over narrow gauge railroad beds converted to 4×4 roads?
- Visit ghost towns straight out of the Wild West?
- Have a blast with your family and friends in the mountains?

Road Trip Logistics and Directions
Shoot us an email and will work with you on entertaining your guests